Monday, May 12, 2008

P-nut in love...

yes its true, P-nut is definitely in love! he had to travel half way around the world to find it but just look at those pictures, it says it all. you don't know how many times i've caught this guy in full stares at the ceiling just day dreaming away. its actually awesome to see love in full bloom, all those rush of warm happy feelings you get just thinking about it. lets just say you might as well enjoy it while you have it. good luck nut...


kelly said...


Lynn said...

Oh man, you got the scoop on this one!! Thanks for the incredible details and pics, feel free to keep us updated ;)

So when do we all get to meet her?

Jenny said...

hurray for LOVE. :)

jen said...

sWeeT!!! that is awesome. great pictures...are these the engagement photos. he better make it quick!

Unknown said...

"Thank the Lord for the country of Brazil"... thats from Dave. Thats so cute he's day dreaming of her, thanks for the pictures I was curious!

sara said...

i saw the whole slide show on the camera with commentary. it looks like they are a match made in heaven, well at least a match made in brazil.

Ryan Mc said...

I feel like singing so crazy in love from beyonce

Carli said...

You go P-nut! I hope this works out. He nas needed a woman for a long time now!