Sunday, May 18, 2008

The foam roll...

unfortunately the older you get the more things start to hurt on your body. i always tell Danny that i'm permanently damaged from doing hair for so many years, sadly i think i really am! i know the key is to stretch, stretch & more stretching! so we had someone tell us about the foam roll and that it does wonders for knee pain which we both have. if you're a runner, cyclist, or do hair and need relief from a tight IT band the foam roll is for you...

check-out this guy...


Jenny said...

i've wondered if cutting hair was tough on your body. so sorry. hope the foam roll helps. :)

Erick & Norma said...

Never knew about the foam roll, I do love using the Pilates exercise ball though. It's great for stretching and a bunch of other exercises. Plus, it's been used for entertainment purposes when we have kids over at our place...they love it! :-)