to my favorite sister in the whole wide world,
how lucky am i to have such a sister to look up to. growing up my sister was much older than me, in fact she was the eldest. she loved making us younger kids do things for her and i would always fall for the you scratch my back first trick! after i was done doing her favorite back scratch she would fall fast asleep.... its OK sister, i forgive you. she also has the craziest things happen to her, like leaving her wallet on her trunk while pumping gas and finding it the next morning frozen to her car right where she left if! the stories are endless... the best part about her is that she has the biggest heart. people are drawn to her cause they can sense her kindness and love. she is also an amazing mother of three and soon to be four! when ever we're together people can't help but stop to ask us if we're twins. they can't believe we aren't and they can't believe the age difference either. we'll thank mom for those good young genes. i love you sister and am always thinking of you....
Sister--of course I'm crying as I read this!!!!! Thank you for loving me as I am and for appreciating all of the "truly kim" moments that happen to me. It's so great to have you as my sister and best girl friend. Hope I don't start looking too old to be called your twin!
Love You!
Happy birthday Kim! You do both look very youthful in that picture, you both look beautiful! I agree that you can sense Kim's kindness, she is really sweet.
both of you do look so much alike...that's fun
Heidi, you and Kim are so beautiful. Sisters are so much fun and are great best friends. I know, I have two of them. Love mom booth
I love that your hair parts in exactly the same place, among other obvious similarities. You are a beautiful pair...among other great qualities that make you gals awesome!
Both beautiful! I always wondered what she looked like:) You always have such wonderful things to say about her. i love my sister too!
look like twins!
what a very lovely picture, sisters are the most wonderful things!
Oh my gosh do look like twins and you're both gorgeous!!!
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